Object-Centric Conformance Checking

OCPA offers two main ways of conformance checking: By calculating fitness, i.e., the share of events that can be replayed in the object-centric Petri net, and by constraint monitoring.

Precision and Fitness

One can calculate precision and fitness by comparing an object-centric Petri net to an object-centric event log.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.conformance.precision_and_fitness import evaluator as quality_measure_factory
from ocpa.algo.discovery.ocpn import algorithm as ocpn_discovery_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel, parameters = {"debug":False})
precision, fitness = quality_measure_factory.apply(ocel, ocpn)
print("Precision of IM-discovered net: "+str(precision))
print("Fitness of IM-discovered net: "+str(fitness))

Constraint monitoring

As well as the conformance of event logs to process models, OCPA also offers the conformance (compliance) of event logs to user-defined constraints. Such constraints describe control-flow, object-involvement, and performance constraints.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.discovery.ocpn import algorithm as ocpn_discovery_factory
from ocpa.algo.enhancement.token_replay_based_performance import algorithm as performance_factory
from ocpa.objects.graph.constraint_graph.obj import ConstraintGraph, ActivityNode, ObjectTypeNode, FormulaNode, ControlFlowEdge, ObjectRelationEdge, PerformanceEdge
import ocpa.algo.conformance.constraint_monitoring.algorithm as constraint_monitoring_factory

filename = "<path-to-your-log>"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel)
diag_params = {'measures': ['act_freq', 'arc_freq', 'object_count', 'waiting_time', 'service_time', 'sojourn_time', 'synchronization_time', 'pooling_time', 'lagging_time', 'flow_time'], 'agg': [
    'mean', 'min', 'max']}
diag = performance_factory.apply(ocpn, ocel, parameters=diag_params)

# Example1: VM and PGI should not be concurrently executed.
cg1 = ConstraintGraph('Example1')
act_vm = ActivityNode('Verify Material')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
cg1.add_nodes([act_vm, act_pgi])
cf1 = ControlFlowEdge(act_vm, act_pgi, 'concur', 'MATERIAL', 0.1)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg1, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example2: CPR should alway be followed by CPO.
cg2 = ConstraintGraph('Example2')
act_cpr = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Requisition (CPR)')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Order (CPO)')
cg2.add_nodes([act_cpr, act_cpo])
cf2 = ControlFlowEdge(act_cpr, act_cpo, 'causal', 'PURCHREQ', 0.99)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg2, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example3: CPR should not be skipped
cg3 = ConstraintGraph('Example3')
act_cpr = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Requisition (CPR)')
cf3 = ControlFlowEdge(act_cpr, act_cpr, 'skip', 'PURCHREQ', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg3, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example4: PGI should always involve PURCHORD
cg4 = ConstraintGraph('Example4')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node1 = ObjectTypeNode('PURCHORD')
cg4.add_nodes([act_pgi, obj_node1])
or1 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node1, act_pgi, 'absent', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg4, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example5: PGI should not involve MATERIAL
cg5 = ConstraintGraph('Example5')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node2 = ObjectTypeNode('MATERIAL')
or2 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node2, act_pgi, 'present', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg5, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example6: CPO should involve only one PURCHORD
cg6 = ConstraintGraph('Example6')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Order (CPO)')
obj_node1 = ObjectTypeNode('PURCHORD')
cg6.add_nodes([obj_node1, act_cpo])
or3 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node1, act_cpo, 'singular', 0.99)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg6, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example7: CPO should mostly involve multiple PURCHORD
cg7 = ConstraintGraph('Example7')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node2 = ObjectTypeNode('MATERIAL')
cg7.add_nodes([act_cpo, obj_node2])
or4 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node2, act_cpo, 'multiple', 0.7)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
    cg7, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated: