Object-Centric Process Enhancement

Performance Analysis

OCPA offers object-centric performance analysis. The performance analysis considers the interaction of objects in business processes, producing accurate waiting, service, and sojourn times. Moreover, it provides insightful object-centric performance metrics such as lagging, pooling, synchronization, and flow times.


New performance metrics on object-centric event data.

filename = "./sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel)
diag_params = {'measures': ['act_freq', 'arc_freq', 'object_count', 'waiting_time', 'service_time', 'sojourn_time', 'synchronization_time', 'pooling_time', 'lagging_time', 'flow_time'], 'agg': [
    'mean', 'min', 'max'], 'format': 'svg'}
diag = performance_factory.apply(ocpn, ocel, parameters=diag_params)
print(f'Diagnostics: {diag}')
gviz = ocpn_vis_factory.apply(
    ocpn, diagnostics=diag, variant="annotated_with_opera", parameters=diag_params)